Is Student Debt Impacting Your Homeownership?

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With the ever-rising cost of college education, more and more students are taking on student loans to cover their tuition and related expenses. Once they graduate and start looking for jobs, they often find themselves saddled with a large amount of debt that can make it difficult to attain other financial goals, such as saving up for a downpayment on a home. So, is student debt holding back potential homeowners?

The Impact Of Student Loan Debt On Homeownership

The answer is yes. According to recent studies by the New York Fed, student loan debt has been the single biggest factor in preventing millennials from attaining homeownership. It is partly because student loan payments are often so high that many graduates need more money for a down payment or to qualify for a mortgage. Additionally, even if they are eligible for a mortgage, these high payments can affect their credit score, further reducing their chances of getting approved for a loan.

In addition to these economic factors, there’s an emotional impact on potential homeowners with student loan debt. Many people feel overwhelmed by the thought of having to manage both their student loan payments and home expenses at the same time. It can lead some people to give up on owning a home altogether, which only exacerbates the diminishing homeownership rates among millennials.

The Next Steps 

There are some steps that potential homeowners with student loan debt can take to increase their chances of attaining homeownership. For example, borrowers can work with lenders or real estate agents who specialize in helping those with student debts buy homes. Additionally, borrowers should consider refinancing their loans to lower their monthly payments and free up more money each month for savings or investing in property. Finally, borrowers should keep track of their credit scores and look into programs like FHA loans which may be able to help them get approved even if they don’t have perfect credit scores.


Student loan debt is an obstacle standing in the way of millennial homeownership today. While it may seem daunting at first, there are steps that potential homeowners can take to increase their chances of buying a home despite having student debts. By researching options such as refinancing loans and taking advantage of specialized programs like FHA loans, potential buyers can ensure that they’re doing all they can to maximize their chances of becoming successful homeowners despite having significant amounts of student loan debt.
