5 Budgeting Habits To Help You Stay Out Of Debt

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Budgeting, budgeting, and more budgeting. There is no financial blog, debt management blog, or money management article you come across that Will not highlight the importance of a budget, and that is because they work. A budget is the key to properly managing your money and paying off your debt. However, avoiding debt will take more than financial breakdowns and minimum payments.

Habits To Adopt When Budgeting To Avoid Debt

Budgeting coupled with the following habits will do more than put your finances in check; they will also help you steer clear of debt. 

1. Budgeting Tools

Notebooks and spreadsheets have worked for the longest time (and still do), but budgeting tools bring a  new efficiency level. They can break down your expenses, keep financial records, and show you saving opportunities when trying to rein in your finances. You can track your debts, payments, spending, and avoid unnecessary debt with tools like YNAB, debt thermometers and Google Sheets.

2. Prioritize Bills

For many people, things start falling apart when they start missing bill payments. Electricity,  water, phone, and even insurance payments garner penalties when paid late. These fees are more likely to offset your budget, which forces some people to take out debt. Thus it is important to make timely payments on all your bills. As a matter of priority, set an automated payment to clear your bills on time. 

3. Adopt Money Saving Ideas

Adjusting your saving and spending habits can transform your financial record. Review your everyday expenses and highlight areas you can save. What is cheaper, that $4.95 Coffee Frappucino at Starbucks or making your coffee at home? Is online grocery shopping going to save you from spending out of your budget? Assess your situation, find areas you can save money, and adopt the techniques. 

4. Allocate Allowance 

The willpower of not spending during a sale at your favorite store is one we can all relate to is no easy thing. So why don’t you give yourself a little pat on the back? As part of your motivation, set milestones for sticking with your budget and offer yourself a reward if you can afford to; give yourself a small reward bi-monthly to encourage you to adhere to your budget plan. 

5. Break The Cycle

The current financial storm is proof of how unpredictable the economy is. Set emergency savings to an account worth at least six months of living expenses. It will be a safety net for settling those unplanned expenses without tapping into your credit card. 


We all know how easy it is to fall of the wagon when budgeting. Clearance sales, discount procices and one-time offers can easily lead you mindless spending; however, with these habits you can stay ahead financially. Sticking to your budget without tapping into debt is the goal for many people and with this piece you finally can.
