Easy Guide For Budgeting When Paying Off Debt

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Much has been discussed when it comes to budgeting. It is an effective tool to give you a better grip on your finances and a much better one when trying to pay off debt. A budgeting system can help you reach your goal faster by better understanding your spending. Once you identify where to cut back on non-essential spending, you can direct your money to pay down debt. The truth is, anyone can create a budget. However, if you want to set up one that will help you get to debt freedom, you will need a few add-on tips; read on to find out how. 

How To Budget And Pay Off Debt Fast 

A budget can bring a sense of order to your debt repayment process. By identifying how much money you can free up in your spending, you can start paying down your debt. These are five easy steps to set up a budget that will clear your debt fast. 

1. List Your Income 

How much money do you bring in monthly? Write down your income (after tax) for an accurate amount of how much you are working with. If you have several sources of income, list them all the same way. 

2. Write Your Expenses

List all your monthly spending. Include both fixed and variable expenses from groceries, personal care, entertainment, utility bills, and insurance payments, household expenses to minimum payments. Group your expenses into necessities, non-essentials, and savings/ debt repayment. The 50:30:20 rule is to break down your income and assign each ratio to your needs, wants, and savings. 

3. Evaluate Your Expenses

Examine your expenses and determine where you can cut back. Highlight any unnecessary subscriptions and non-essential items you spend money on. Look at payments made to insurance, cell phones, and credit card companies and determine whether you can negotiate for lower payments. 

4. Reallocate Payment

Any money cut down from expenses or extra money received as gifts and allowances should be directed to a debt repayment bucket. You can set up a separate account, which you can then use to facilitate repayments. Focus on one loan at a time while making minimum repayments to all your debts. 

5. Check In On Your Goals 

Set a period for check-ins; it could be every three months to track your progress. With very little progress, you can make adjustments to your budget. Reallocate the money for debts paid to clear the remaining debts; it will quicken your progress. 


Using a budgeting app like YNAB can properly put you on a quick path to debt repayment. With a healthy budget, you can simultaneously keep up with debt repayments and boost your credit score. Use these five powerful tips to devise a budget and use it to start payments on your debt. 
