Top 3 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Finances

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Money is a conversation many people stay away from. Unfortunately, this is one thing that does not go away just by ignoring it. To control your finances, you need to face your finances head-on by looking at the strategies to implement and the mistakes to avoid when managing your money. Simply put, shining a light on mistakes that could tank your finances will help you salvage them in the long run. Here are the top three money-making mistakes you should avoid. 

1. Delaying on a Financial Plan

Managing your finances without a plan is financial suicide. When you put off planning for your money, you are only affecting your financial future. Without direction on how to spend, save and invest money, it is easy for one to mismanage their money and land in a financial jam.

What to do instead:

Set aside an hour or two a week to go over your finances. Create a detailed budget outlining all your income and expenses for every month. The 50/30/20 strategy divides your payment into three parts to cover essentials, wants, and savings. Additionally, set aside an emergency fund you can turn to whenever you have a financial fix. 

2. Spending Mindlessly

Mindless spending is a slippery slope to financial ruin. An unplanned day out with friends or a sudden expensive purchase can hugely set you back finances . Even the little expenses that you barely pay mind tend to add up if not monitored.

What to do instead: The road to financial freedom starts with keeping a close eye on your spending. Keep a budgeting tracking app on your phone to record all the money that leaves your account. When it comes to unplanned purchases, take some time to think logically about your decision. It should give you some perspective on the right financial move. 

3. Letting Payments Pile Up

Bills and payments set aside to be paid can pile up quickly. The financial burden increases once you postpone payment, making it harder to manage. Missed payments could also turn into delinquent debts, which garner fines. 

What to do instead:  Schedule regular payments for bills and expenses to avoid procrastinating payments. Dedicate part of your income to cater to costs at the end of every month. Automate payment through your bank such that money is deducted as soon as it hits your account. 

In Closing 

Understanding the mistakes that could hurt your finances is essential if you aim for financial success. Developing a detailed plan, keeping your spending in check, and handling your expenses as required is the best way to set your finances on the right path. Use this guide to stay away from situations that could ruin your finances. 
